Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Falling really really really hard

For the last few weeks, I have been on vacation from work and have been visiting family in the part of town where A. lives. This has made it really convenient for us to see each other randomly without having to put so much thought into planning an encounter. Yesterday, A. was on his way back home from a work meeting and I texted him that I missed him and that I needed to see him soon. He replied: "How about right now"?. We met and went for a car ride. I didn't have much time but A. and I always say that we would take seeing one another for five minutes over nothing at all. As we were sitting in the car, kissing and talking, A. pulled me to him and said: I am so attracted to you. I told him that that wasn't a bad thing since this ridiculous chemistry (which he called explosive) is mutually felt. He said that he was way too crazy about me. Then, he rested his head against the seat with that pondering and almost sad look he gets sometimes and said that he was beginning to crack. I asked him what he meant by that and he replied: "I am falling really really really hard". He said that he didn't want to lose me from his life. 

I told him that I felt the same way and that I didn't want to fight it anymore. He had told me once to embrace the feelings, that that is easier than fighting them. I reminded him of that. He said that he usually is very good at managing his emotions but that he is unable to with me. He told me that I had stirred feelings in him like no other woman ever has.

We kissed and hugged and eventually, I held his face in my hands and told him that I didn't know what would be so wrong about us loving each other. We already have sex and cheat on our spouses..... What we are doing is already wrong. 

I have been dying to tell A. how I truly feel. However, I am so afraid of saying those words to him. I want him to tell me first. I know we both feel it....

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