Monday 19 January 2015

A text from my lover

"I have never missed you as much as I did tonight".

The concert - oh the dread

"The grown up part of me has accepted that today is not going to be what I thought it would be and is overall ok with everything. I mean I have planned a whole other evening for myself and under any other circumstances, I would be excited and elated about tonight.
But the childish and immature side of me is kicking and screaming inside. This part of me wants to boycott the whole stupid thing and just sit at home and pout and scream and get mad. I even feel anger towards Sam Smith for some reason! I have been screaming "screw Sam Smith" in my head over and over during the weekend.
I really am kicking and screaming inside baby. I am yelling at the world saying it's not fair ;) like a child.
I don't want to go.
But I know that staying home won't make me feel any better.
So I am going to dress up and curl my hair and go on a girls night with my best friend.
I still can't believe I am not going with you.