Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Exclusive lovers?


"I miss you, this weekend more than other weekends and the thought that I am going away next wednesday (which I used to be crazy excited about and no longer am) is driving me insane. I feel like changing my return flight, getting back a day early and spending it with you ;) 

I am always trying to think of schemes in order to find more time with you. I always want more. More of you, more sex with you, more love, more everything. More YOU. Because I am so in love with you, with who you are, with how you make me feel, with the passion that you ignite within me, with the happiness that you add to my life, with all that you are teaching me, about love and about myself. Sometimes I can't believe that I have lived my whole life without this. Without ever feeling this way for someone. Without having this kind of sex with a man. Without passionate love. Without you. 
Where have you been baby?
With you, I don't need anyone else (and I ALWAYS felt like I NEEDED something more, no matter who I was with). I don't need to flirt and meet AM strangers to feel excited about my life. You make my life infinitely more exciting than any date with an AM stranger ever could. I don't need sex with others because it would never ever ever compare to what I feel when I have sex with you. You know what is absolutely crazy? I used to look at monogamous couples, truly monogamous couples who remain faithful and deny themselves all others and I used to think wow these guys are nuts. Why would you EVER deny yourself excitement and passion. Why would you be so selfless and try to fit into a mold that society has imposed on you which is unnatural. I used to believe, so strongly that I would never be able to live like that. Now... YOU are making me question something about myself that I was so certain was true. That need that I always felt to meet new people and explore things outside of my marriage is gone. That need that has followed my my whole entire life... I remember it when I was a teenager having crushes on multiple people at once and then in college when I cheated on my boyfriend with my husband and then cheated on my husband with my ex-boyfriend and then in University when, despite the fact that my relationship with my husband was solid, I would flirt with boys and eventually ended up sleeping with someone other than my husband for the first time... and then when I felt really guilty about that and tried to remain faithful, I ended up sleeping with girls (which I realize now was only because I was trying to contain my need to explore and I felt like girls wouldn't be as bad as boys...) Do you understand that this, me being completely satisfied with one person, not even wanting to be with another besides that one person, that has never happened before. I have no idea what to make of that and it totally blows me away ;)"


"Your email was absolutely delightful to read. I have read it numerous times already and will definitely read it several more :) Although I realize more and more that we are very alike in many ways, I did not know the extent to which that is true. When you write of looking at other couples before and thinking how delusional or deprived they were, I can absolutely relate with that. The only difference is I didn't feel that way from the start. From the ages of 18 to 22 or so, I actually couldn't fathom "cheating" on your partner. When I would hear about somebody that had, I would find it quite appalling. I can't believe it myself as I write this, but I think I have to admit that I was VERY NAIVE when I was younger. Perhaps it was the charmed and sheltered childhood I had. Whatever the reason, it took me a while to "wake up" and be my own person, as opposed to following the "accepted norms". It was only after I did that that I feel I started actually living. At least I thought I was actually living. You have made me question all of that again, and I couldn't be happier that you have done so. I want you to know that everything you are feeling is ONE THOUSAND percent MUTUAL. When I read your emails they grab me so intensely because it feels like I could have written the same thing. I am just as CRAZY, NUTS, OBSESSED, IN LOVE, IN LUST, and COMPLETELY CONSUMED by YOU. Beautiful, sexy, witty and wonderful you. You have touched my life in a way that I never thought anyone ever would. I too doubted so many things that I now want to explore further. If I no longer have any limits on my expectations today, it has EVERYTHING to do with you. And I find myself, more and more so everyday, wanting EVERYTHING with you. Baby you rock me to my core and I absolutely love you like I've never loved anyone else ever before. I really really really am.......hopelessly YOURS."

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