Monday, 29 December 2014

"Worst Christmas ever" - A

The holidays are always difficult for those of us living, what some may call, a "double life". Spouses are home from work, family obligations and parties fill up the calendar and the window of time to spend with one's lover suddenly seems infinitely small. A and I have made numerous Christmas plans that have sadly fallen through due to changing spouses' schedules and extended holidays from work. With the exception of an unexpected and unplanned visit on Christmas Eve, A and I have had very little time to celebrate together. Although spending the holidays with everyone but the person you love can put a serious damper on one's celebratory mood, A and I have managed to steer clear of holiday-induced depression thanks to one shiny beacon of light - two months ago, I bought us tickets to see an artist that we have both discovered together and grew to LOVE in concert in January. I can not begin to express how much A and I  have been looking forward to this event. We would talk about it excitedly every single day. It would mark a major milestone in our relationship since it would be the first time that we do something "real" together. Something other than hiding out in hotel rooms. Although Christmas didn't turn out the way either of us had planned, it didn't matter because we had the concert. 

On Christmas Day, I get a text from A saying: "Worst Christmas ever".
He didn't want to talk about it on the phone or to explain it by text. He said that he'd explain when he saw me in person. I spent three days worrying about him, wondering whether he had chosen that day to end his marriage and imagining scenarios of family tragedies unfolding on Christmas Day. It didn't help that for those three days, A seemed busy and somewhat less available to talk and text leaving me to simply wait patiently for Sunday. Yesterday, we had arranged to spend a few hours together at a hotel near my house. We were both excited and happy to be with one another and clothes were quickly tossed around the room and A's tongue found it's way to my clit. I came hard underneath his tongue and that made him rock hard. He kissed my mouth and pushed himself inside me softly. He held me close to him and looked at me with the saddest look in his eyes. He said he had missed me so much and that this truly was the worst Christmas ever. I played with his hair and asked him what happened. He said that Christmas morning was amazing and that everything pointed to a great day. He said: "And then I opened my gift". 
I was puzzled for a minute thinking who cares if his wife gave him a bad gift. He looked at me, sadness on his face and said: "It's the single worst thing she could have given me". 

I covered my face and couldn't help my reaction. I started to cry. 
Of course. Concert tickets. It's a great gift. The same gift I bought for him. 

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Christmas plans made and unmade


"When do we celebrate Christmas? We skip it this year?"


"Why would we do such a thing".


"It's looking like that... Nothing is working out for us".


"The great thing with us is we enjoy every day together.
We celebrate life. So even if we can't fit it in now, we always make it up. In spades". 


"That is so beautiful. I love that. I must write that down somewhere".